The Cathedral of St. Philip - Atlanta, GA

We Honor Canon Bruce Neswick This Sunday Afternoon!!

An article from the Cathedral Times
by the Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler,
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Philip

This Sunday, 18 May, 2008, marks the last official day of Bruce Neswick's ministry at the Cathedral of St. Philip. He has served faithfully and skillfully for over eight years here, and we wish him well in God's next chapter for him.

Following the 11:15 service, the Cathedral choirs hold their annual lunch and celebration of ministry in Child Hall. That time will be important for both recognition of jobs well done, and for opportunities to bless our futures.

Later this Sunday, at 3:15 pm, Bruce Neswick will play his last recital as Canon for Music at the organ. That recital will be tremendous, as have been all of Bruce's concerts here. The Choir of Girls, Boys, and Adults will sing Evensong at 4:00 pm.

Then, following Evensong and Communion, at 5:30 pm, we will have an opportunity to hold a special reception for Bruce Neswick alone. Both the Cathedral parish and the Atlanta musical community are invited to join us in the Gould Room at 5:30 pm on Sunday, in order to thank Bruce and to wish him well. Join us!

Canon Todd Smelser To Enjoy Retirement And Rejoinment!!

Last month, I informed the Cathedral Chapter of special plans involving Canon Todd Smelser, our Canon for Pastoral Care and Liturgy. There is good news, and then some more good news! The first good news is that Todd Smelser has earned a retirement pension in the Episcopal Church. He has served Episcopal parishes for over 34 years, and he has been able to retire after serving 30 years. Effective at the end of August, 2008, Todd Smelser plans to formally retire from full-time ministry and enjoy his pension! We will have a way to officially thank Todd closer to that date.

However, there is more good news. Our plan is to re-hire Todd Smelser after his retirement at a part-time level. He will become one of our "Canon Associates" at that time, and thereby still practice his priesthood and ministry with us. That ministry has been deeply important here, and I will be glad to have him still among us. Again, we will celebrate Todd Smelser's "re-joining" us closer to the date.

Grace and peace to Bruce and to Todd, and to all of us who serve Jesus Christ at the Cathedral and beyond!

Sam Candler signature



The Very Rev. Sam Candler